Identity Analytics
Identity Analytics : A Key Differentiator Of SecurEnds IGA Product
Identity Governance and Administration (IGA) is at the center of IT operations, enabling and securing digital identities for all users, applications, and data. It allows businesses to provide automated access to an ever-growing number of technology assets while managing potential security and compliance risks. IGA tools are paramount to achieving compliance, as they help ensure that only the right people get access to the right applications and data at the right times and for the right reasons.
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User Access Review or Access Certification campaigns are table stake for identity governance program. However given the proliferation of identities (human, service accounts, machine) and types (employees, contractors, and vendors) across deployment/system types (on-premise, hybrid, and cloud applications), answering the critical question “Are we in continuous compliance” is a challenge. Typically, organizations run Access Certifications on a quarterly or yearly cadence to know “who has access to what”. However, between these periods the organization is left at potential harm comings from over privileged accounts, dormant accounts, etc. Add to this the increasing numbers of new regulations and this is causing organizations to seek more efficient ways to conduct access certification campaigns.

Legacy IGA products conduct entitlements reviews at a point in time, but this leaves organizations blind to risk until the next review. To stay ahead of these challenges, SecurEnds has incorporated Identity Analytics into its product DNA. In simple terms, Identity analytics enable CISOs, Risk analyst and tool administrators to proactive monitor and detect anomalies against a baselines of normal user activity. Identity analytics allows CISOs proactive discovery users with access and privilege outliers compared to their peer groups. Depending on the company policy, micro certification or continuous monitoring can be executed on these groups.
SecurEnds identity analytics dashboard has come a long way since it was first rolled out at the 2019 Gartner IAM Summit at Las Vegas. The current version Of SecurEnds analytical dashboard presents outlier reporting based on context of roles, segregation of duty policies, audit policies, and other controls. Coupled with its ability to tie the access certification and subsequently remove inappropriate access via Closed Loop Remediation makes SecurEnds an industry leading choice for IGA products.
Few additional features of our product are as following :
Connect dynamically to custom applications with connectors using database/Web-API/ script
Load user data from multiple systems of record for access reviews and certifications
Match identities with user credentials across enterprise using pattern matching fuzzy logic
Manage heartbeat identities and system accounts across connected and disconnected applications
Schedule periodic or one-time or delta reviews across single application or groups of application
Continuous access reviews based on attribute triggers- employee role change, employee termination, password reset, etc.
Create evidence of compliance for external auditor