What is the Audit tab?
- The audit tab is the home for external auditors to log into SecurEnds and view proof of review completion.
- This view can be toggled to display limited or complete access to external auditors.
- SecurEnds access, when given to auditors, will only allow viewing of audit tabs and the information your organization allows visible within the tab.
- Auditors cannot view or make edits of previous / ongoing campaigns
- Audit tab contains two sub tabs: Audit Access & Historic Campaign
- Within SecurEnds, please navigate to Audit
Audit Access
- Within Audit Access if you search for users, it will display all campaign reviews for with that user

Historic Campaign
- Displayed in this tab is a view to sort through all past campaigns. It will look like this:

- Year
- Indicate from which year you wish to view reports
- If single year is selected, all campaigns from time frame will be shown.

- Campaigns
- Ability to select a specific campaign to view
- Example: Only view Q1 SOX Review
- Application
- Ability to view access review status of an entire application in the selected time frame
- Chart Type
- Display information visually in either a Pie Chart or Bar Graph
- Annual Totals
- Ability to sort view of past campaigns by year